将顶级元件融入价格实惠、外形便携的总线供电音频接口当中,Zen Quadro突破了现代音频接口技术的瓶颈。

- 凭借高达130dB的动态范围,听见一切细节
- 调音台级别的话放增益高达75dB,轻松推动任何话筒
- Synergy Core实时效果处理,可用于录音、直播及舞台演出
- 通过额外的USB OTG接口,同时连接第二台电脑或手机
Introducing the Zen Quadro

- 凭借高达130dB的动态范围,听见一切细节
- 调音台级别的话放增益高达75dB,轻松推动任何话筒
- Synergy Core 实时效果处理,可用于录音、直播及舞台演出
- 通过额外的USB OTG接口,同时连接第二台电脑或手机
Introducing the Zen Quadro
我们将Antelope Audio旗舰产品Galaxy系列的AD/DA芯片下放到了Zen Quadro中,并辅以增益量高达75dB的调音台品质离散式话放,只为向各领域的创作者,提供顶级录音棚的一流音质。
Synergy Core 实时效果处理和增强的脱机模式只是它附加功能的一部分,而革命性的双 USB 设计允许在两个系统上同时播放和录制 – 对于所有崭露头角的制作人、音乐家和主播来说,这是强化音频系统的不二之选。

我们史无前例的在一款总线供电的音频接口中实现了最高质量的数模转换,与我们的旗舰 Galaxy 使用了相同转换芯片,动态范围高达 130dB。
结合独家的 64-bit AFC™ 时钟技术,Zen Quadro 将为您的录音带来全新的细节水平,并在音频重放中提供出色的立体声成像和更宽阔的声场 – 从而让您能够为混音做出最佳的决策。
我们史无前例的在一款总线供电的音频接口中实现了最高质量的数模转换,与我们的旗舰 Galaxy 使用了相同转换芯片,动态范围高达 130dB。
结合独家的 64-bit AFC™ 时钟技术,Zen Quadro 将为您的录音带来全新的细节水平,并在音频重放中提供出色的立体声成像和更宽阔的声场 – 从而让您能够为混音做出最佳的决策。
设计灵感源自8/90年代英、美模拟调音台的启发,4 个话筒放大器采用离散式 6 晶体管拓扑结构设计,提供最高的噪声衰减和精确的声音捕捉。
凭借极低的噪音和高达 75dB 的增益,甚至可以为轻松推动最安静的动圈话筒和铝带话筒,无需任何额外的硬件。

Zen Quadro 的双 USB-C 接口为各类创作者开启了一个充满无限可能的新世界。 这就像将两台接口合二为一,您可以将两台 Mac、PC、iOS (USB-C) 或 Android 设备任意组合使用,在两个 USB 接口之间随意路由信号,并创建您的混音。
方便的Loopback内录功能也让它非常适合直播,主USB接口为 Zen Quadro 供电,而第二个USB接口则可以为您的移动设备反向充电。
有了总线供电的 USB-C 连接,还有耐用的金属外壳,那就让我们带上录音室出发吧。
第二个USB-C 接口甚至允许在舞台上使用两台计算机,进行双人协作现场表演!


Synergy Core: DSP 和 FPGA 的实时处理魔法
Synergy Core 将 DSP 与 FPGA 芯片相结合,对经典模拟硬件的每个元件进行建模。 这确保了效果器的声音与真实硬件的声音几乎毫无区别,延迟接近于零,并且对电脑 CPU 不会造成任何负担。
借助 Zen Quadro,您可以使用 37 款经典压缩器、均衡器、吉他箱头和箱体、调制等效果器,所有这些效果器都可以在录音、混音、直播或现场演出期间实时使用。
高达 48 个单声道效果器可以同时加载到 6 个输入通道,从而将复杂的机架设置与强大功能带到您的桌面。

Zen Quadro Synergy Core - Included Effects
Connectivity Examples
Computer + Mobile device
Stream through your mobile device while taking full advantage of adding your separate computer into the audio stream. Mix computer audio (play music, trigger samples, run your DAW project) with the analog inputs of the Zen Quadro SC, apply real-time effects and send them together to the mobile device.
Computer only
Record, produce and mix into your DAW with professional sound quality,
using the full range of digital and analog I/O.
Connect two pairs of speakers and two pairs of headphones for reference and monitoring. Record variety of microphone, instrument and line level signals. Expand your inputs via ADAT and S/PDIF to record a whole band with up to 14 inputs simultaneously.
Mobile device only
Connect to a smartphone or tablet, providing enough power to the Zen Quadro SC, to create a whole mobile playback and recording rig anywhere you go. Plug in your microphone and headphones to stream on social media with pristine audio. Have easy access to main settings via large color display without the need of a computer.
Computer + Computer
Create a unique hybrid live setup with just one interface on the stage. Connect two computers simultaneously to play and mix audio signals together, using the same outputs. Connect your headphones, speakers and DJ mixer to have full control over you sound. Add analog synths and microphones to reach the full potential of your live performance.
Connectivity Examples
Computer + Mobile device
Stream through your mobile device while taking full advantage of adding your separate computer into the audio stream. Mix computer audio (play music, trigger samples, run your DAW project) with the analog inputs of the Zen Quadro SC, apply real-time effects and send them together to the mobile device.
Computer only
Record, produce and mix into your DAW with professional sound quality,
using the full range of digital and analog I/O.
Connect two pairs of speakers and two pairs of headphones for reference and monitoring. Record variety of microphone, instrument and line level signals. Expand your inputs via ADAT and S/PDIF to record a whole band with up to 14 inputs simultaneously.
Mobile device only
Connect to a smartphone or tablet, providing enough power to the Zen Quadro SC, to create a whole mobile playback and recording rig anywhere you go. Plug in your microphone and headphones to stream on social media with pristine audio. Have easy access to main settings via large color display without the need of a computer.
Computer + Computer
Create a unique hybrid live setup with just one interface on the stage. Connect two computers simultaneously to play and mix audio signals together, using the same outputs. Connect your headphones, speakers and DJ mixer to have full control over you sound. Add analog synths and microphones to reach the full potential of your live performance.